Prison From The Inside Out offers a rare opportunity to see who we are as a nation through the eyes of our “justice” system; a view from deep inside the prison system that helps us understand what needs to happen at the individual and systemic levels for any possibility of change to arise.  Heartbreaking and heart-opening, Prison From The Inside Out reminded me of what hope feels like in the depths of despair. Its insights into the process of healing for formerly incarcerated men and women should make it required reading for those in
the justice system and for pertaining college classes.”

—Belvie Rooks, writer, educator, and human rights activist

  Belvie Rooks



5* Review: Literary titans

Prison from the Inside Out by William “Mecca” Elmore and Susan Simone is a powerful story depicting the struggles in the life of William and his family, his life at the prison, and the indomitable spirit that lifted him from darker days. The story also sheds light on a number of critical issues, questioning the nature of justice in the society we live in, hinting towards the need for reform. 

William was convicted for shooting a person, although he had not intended to hurt anyone. His aim was to save his friend from an dispute, but that very same friend testified against him at the court. This book, at any point, doesn’t try to conceal the crime. It speaks about things as they happened and forces readers to analyze deeply why we are carrying forward a system that is essentially flawed. 

The narrative takes us through the journey from his teenage years to his introduction into the world of crime and drugs. The story is told with utter truthfulness, bringing out the harsh realities that often elude us. The book provides a fresh perspective on those who spend their lives behind bars. 

The book’s subtitle ‘One Man’s Journey From a Life Sentence to Freedom’ aptly reflects the crux of the matter. It’s in not giving up that William finds his freedom, and Susan Simone records his words with great articulation, grasping its essence. The image of the prison days becomes gloomy, scary, and brutally real, but the hope at the end of the tunnel keeps the reader hooked throughout. With the help and unconditional support of his mother and sister, William learns to see that ray of hope. And to know how he goes about it, you have to give this book a read. 

Thanks to the oral history method the authors used, each and every incident taking place in the lives of William and his loved ones come alive in the readers mind. It sends a strong message of hope and relentless will, that steers away from the gloomy sadness of a life sentence. This book is an exemplary read for anyone who wishes to look at the larger picture of the justice system.

  (5* Gold Winner, January 2021)


Exciting pre-publication reviews are coming in!  Here’s our first one on, a book review site:

I loved this book so much, I read it while flying and finished the entire thing. 
I felt especially connected to the story being from North Carolina, specifically the area of the crime
 happened. .....(excerpt).....

Hearing about the inside from his perspective, hearing from everyone around him including wardens, 
guards, his mother, his family, and friends, really made a unique story even better. 

I can't recommend this book enough.

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Capture Freedom’s Memories

When one is released from prison, the first day is special.  Memories are made and we help remember: The Freedom Photo Project is getting underway


Order the book! Click Here!

Prison From The Inside Out is a special story.  Please buy the book, spread the word, let everyone know!  It is available on Amazon and even better through our sponsor, the Human Kindess Foundation

Order the book! Click Here!


Coming Soon – Freedom Photos and more….

under development

Simone is collecting first day of FREEDOM photos. 

Great people are reviewing the book and we’ll post what they say.

The printer is hard at work, and the Human Kindness Foundation is preparing to take book orders and send free copies into the prisons.  We’ll let you know when it’s all in place….

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